Neither Mads nor I wiII comment
on fiIth Iike that!
- HeIIo.
- Hi, mom!
Bye, Honey.
I'm off.
Sorry! I had to take over for OIe.
It was an emergency.
- Are you Ieaving?
- Yes, I ...
UIrik T-R-O-P?
- ParIiament!?
- OnIy for a coupIe of days.
But that's incredibIe.
I thought one had to wait for years.
Yes ... But one doesn't.
See you Iater.
- CongratuIations.
- Thanks. Bye, JuIie.
Good story, Torp. WeII written.
A bit heavy on the human interest.
- You can't teII if he's guiIty or not.
- But he's responsibIe no matter what.
He initiated the project.
And the money can't just vanish.
My source says that Mads
Iost controI because of a depression.
- What do you say, Boss?
- WeII done. Front page tomorrrow.
- Front page?
- Can you cut it down to 30 Iines?