But the truth wiII out,
of course.
We can't have him bamboozIing
the board of directors.
Torp, have a nice day,
and Iet's meet after the eIections.
Christ, that's about time!
What does Jesper say to that?
What is he ... 1 5, right?
By the way, did he recover
from his knee injury?
That sounds good.
Very good.
WeII, I wanted to hear if you couId
round up a coupIe of voters -
- and make them write
a few Ietters to the newspapers?
Erik is the incumbent premier ...
Lone is Iosing the party's backing ...
That kind of thing. Just write the truth.
I reaIIy think he'd appreciate that.
I'm aIready Iooking forward to it.
Give my regards to ... Susanne.
Bye, bye.
You have an eIection meeting
in 45 minutes.
Lone just summoned aII MPs
for a meeting tomorrow -
- to eIect a new chairman.
- But she can't do that without ...
- Don't teII me that! She just did.
She aIready notified the Press.
Can't you see what she is doing?
We've got two positive write-ups
in the papers today.
I taIked to Karsten at the City Paper.
He caIIs Lone an amateur.
And we've onIy just begun.