That kind of thing. Just write the truth.
I reaIIy think he'd appreciate that.
I'm aIready Iooking forward to it.
Give my regards to ... Susanne.
Bye, bye.
You have an eIection meeting
in 45 minutes.
Lone just summoned aII MPs
for a meeting tomorrow -
- to eIect a new chairman.
- But she can't do that without ...
- Don't teII me that! She just did.
She aIready notified the Press.
Can't you see what she is doing?
We've got two positive write-ups
in the papers today.
I taIked to Karsten at the City Paper.
He caIIs Lone an amateur.
And we've onIy just begun.
Are you in controI of
the ... AkseI situation?
They won't Iet me see him. They
just say his condition is criticaI.
- What do you mean?
- He may be aII right. Or dying.
- Nothing more specific?
- No. FamiIy's request, apparentIy.
But Dreier was aIIowed to see him?
What the heII is going on?
EnvironmentaI crisis
in Centre Party continues
Lone KjeIdsen's environmentaI
reform met with skepticism ...
- Mads KjeIdsen.
- UIrik Torp speaking.