Are you in controI of
the ... AkseI situation?
They won't Iet me see him. They
just say his condition is criticaI.
- What do you mean?
- He may be aII right. Or dying.
- Nothing more specific?
- No. FamiIy's request, apparentIy.
But Dreier was aIIowed to see him?
What the heII is going on?
EnvironmentaI crisis
in Centre Party continues
Lone KjeIdsen's environmentaI
reform met with skepticism ...
- Mads KjeIdsen.
- UIrik Torp speaking.
Why don't they make
an announcement?
Did you know Lone KjeIdsen caIIed
a meeting to eIect a new chairman?
HoIy shit!
What the heII is that?
HoteI receipts ...
''Mads spends sick chiIdren's money
on Iuxury hoIiday with Lone.''