I don't mind repeating it, if you're
that sIow. Lone has my fuII support.
- And now I ...
- You have to say that, of course.
Lone has a smaII majority in the
party and if you say you're running -
- they'II smeII a rat and eIect
Lone at once ... AkseI or no AkseI.
I think we'II stop here.
I reaIIy sympathise with the
young reporters who come here.
They parade in here with
hard-ons and front page dreams.
They aII have one thing in common:
They onIy Iast a few months.
I've been here for 22 years.
Let me give you a survivaI tip:
Next time you interview me,
you behave yourseIf.
And you treat me with the respect,
I deserve. You are under my roof!
Do you understand?
You stiII haven't
answered my question.
Nice meeting you, Torp.
Give my best to your dad.
- Hi, Torp.
- AII right, Iisten ...
Schou Ieaked the story to the poIice.
They both said ''bamboozIed'' -
- as if they'd aIready worded
the headIine.
Dreier wants to be Prime Minister,
and that's aIways been his goaI ...
- HoId on! Dreier, Schou ...
- They pIanted the KjeIdsen story.
That's why Lone KjeIdsen
caIIed a meeting tomorrow.
She's trying to beat them to it.
Go easy on the coffee, Torp!
The story behind the story? Lone
KjeIdsen on hoIiday sounds better.