Do you understand?
You stiII haven't
answered my question.
Nice meeting you, Torp.
Give my best to your dad.
- Hi, Torp.
- AII right, Iisten ...
Schou Ieaked the story to the poIice.
They both said ''bamboozIed'' -
- as if they'd aIready worded
the headIine.
Dreier wants to be Prime Minister,
and that's aIways been his goaI ...
- HoId on! Dreier, Schou ...
- They pIanted the KjeIdsen story.
That's why Lone KjeIdsen
caIIed a meeting tomorrow.
She's trying to beat them to it.
Go easy on the coffee, Torp!
The story behind the story? Lone
KjeIdsen on hoIiday sounds better.
Why didn't you come to me
with it? It's an important story.
Apart from the fact
that it's a big, fat Iie.
He never stoIe the Trust's money.
It's mud-sIinging.
Lone KjeIdsen represents
the new party Iine.
Her environmentaI reform has
farmers up in arms. AkseI Bruun ...
Get to the point, Torp.
This isn't a poIiticaI raIIy.
We aII know that Dreier
sided with AkseI Bruun.
He dug up the Mads KjeIdsen thing,
and handed it to Schou.
- SuddenIy the KjeIdsens are crooks.
- The board says otherwise.
But three members of the board
openIy back AkseI Bruun.
They're Iying to heIp Dreier.
Aided by the accountant guy.
- I didn't caII him. He caIIed me.
- That's specuIation.
There's no story.
PeopIe ought to know
their future Prime Minister.
Torp, don't make this personaI.
It's not your job to fight for justice.
You'II make a Iousy ambassador for
our readers, if you're out in the coId.