Les Choristes

Go to the corner.
All right. Now that you know me better,
we need to set a few things straight.

Right now, one of your fellow pupils is in jail.
For nothing.
I may not look smart,
but I was not born yesterday.

I know who did it.
I give him 15 seconds to confess.
I am waiting.
Too bad. Only 5 seconds left.
Too late.
Le Querrec, who is Le Querrec
Me, sir
What a coincidence.
So, it is you who wounded Mr. Maxence.
No. not me.
I am not asking you. I am telling you.
I did nothing.
Who do you think the headmaster will believe,
you or me?

While I am out, I would like someone serious
to watch over the class.

If I believe my trusted intuition,
this serious person is Mr Morange.
Be quiet, who is Morange?
Me, sir.
So, you are the angel face
Go to the blackboard.
You watch the class while I am out.

Let's go!
Nice attire.
Pull your shirt out further,
it's more proper.

Black sheep are said to have authority over their peers.
Prove it to me.

Let's go. To the headmaster.
Have mercy, sir.
Did you show mercy on the classmate
who is in jail instead of you?
