For him, nothing's changed.
TeII me, RacheI,
have you asked about Mathieu?
Do you know if he's back?
No, I don't know.
What are you afraid of?
Worried you've aged?
That's not what worries me.
Don't you think
he might be waiting for you?
I don't share your enthusiasm...
and, if we want to move ahead,
we must be wary of our own hypocrisies.
The first hypocrisy:
companies need to create new jobs
unIess they fire peopIe...
who were hired foIIowing the deaths.
And the second hypocrisy:
everyone knows...
even here, that they're sIow,
they don't communicate weII--
Just a second!
The State is funding these extra jobs.
Besides, most of the peopIe...
who have returned are retired.
Pensions need funding, too...
and, sorry to be so bIunt,
that's a probIem for wage-earners.
I'd Iike to say something. I agree.
I think that our present difficuIties
can be overcome.
In some fieIds, everything is fine.
We must work out why.
All these people, young or old,
male or female...
have symptoms
that resemble forms of aphasia...
like those observed
following a severe concussion.
But, for some strange reason...
the motor functions are unharmed.
We observe a sluggishness in their speech...
and lapses of awareness...
but the subjects are rarely incapable
of communicating.
In fact, they seem to be in a latent period.
A waking phase, in a way.