Our study is based on
one of their particuIarities...
nameIy, their sIightIy Iower
body temperature.
The difference is between four to five
degrees according to the subject.
It is enough...
to be picked up by thermaI cameras...
as you can see.
Of course, our study doesn't end there.
Having deveIoped this technique...
of visuaI differentiation...
we attached some of these cameras
to baIIoons...
that have been fIoated above
nearIy the whoIe town.
You have probabIy noticed them.
There have been numerous studies...
of a psychoIogicaI nature...
to try to understand
the agitation of the returnees.
Our goaI is noticeabIy different.
We shaII attempt to anaIyze
their movements.
PeopIe have reported gatherings
in certain parts of town...
notabIy at night.
But we must go further
and try to find out if there isn't...
what we couId caII
a migratory phenomenon.
Among the first data recovered...
there is one surprising eIement:
the peopIe foIIowed cover an average
of nine miIes a day...
whatever their age.
Even a woman in her 60s does it.
She does it at her own pace, but she does it.
By the way, aII observations carried out
from our baIIoons...
respect individuaI anonymity.
Just in case the Big Brother aspect
scares you.
Now here are more exhaustive studies
of these movements.