How much further?
We're almost there.
Wanna tell me where
we're going, Sayid?
It's better that you see it
for yourself.
No, I'm not so sure it is.
Tell me why you brought me here
or I turn around.
He brought you out here
because I asked him to.
I asked him not to tell you.
I wanted you to have an open mind.
Open mind about what?
My God.
What is this thing?
I guess it's time
we talked about this.
Yo, chief!
Dumb question here.
We're sailing out on the ocean right?
You mind?
Sulu over here is packing
a suitcase full of salted fish.
We can't catch fish?
Do you know anything
about surviving at sea?
Sailing? Navigating?
- Steering a raft?
- Do you?
Doesn't matter what I know,
I built it.
Maybe you are the wrong guy
to go on the raft.
You gonna vote me off, Mickey?