My God.
What is this thing?
I guess it's time
we talked about this.
Yo, chief!
Dumb question here.
We're sailing out on the ocean right?
You mind?
Sulu over here is packing
a suitcase full of salted fish.
We can't catch fish?
Do you know anything
about surviving at sea?
Sailing? Navigating?
- Steering a raft?
- Do you?
Doesn't matter what I know,
I built it.
Maybe you are the wrong guy
to go on the raft.
You gonna vote me off, Mickey?
And who the hell's
gonna take my place?
- What the hell you think you're doing?
- Sorry?
Don't give me the "Aw, golly" eyes.
Michael just told me you were
jockeying for my spot on the raft.
I was just asking some questions.
He must've misunderstood me.
I know what you're doing.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Just like I know why you wanted
that Haliburton case so bad.
The one that belonged to the U.S. Marshal
who was flying with us.
You were his prisoner.
Let go of me.
Your only chance of running's
getting on that raft, ain't it?
If we get picked up by a ship,
when they come back
to rescue the rest of y'all,
gonna be a nice big asterisk
next to your name.