
I tied this side down.
Do you think
this is gonna hold?

Do you have a past in the Navy
you've neglected to tell me about?

- Why?
- How does a woman like you

learn how to tie
a perfect bowline knot?

By dating guys with sailboats.
Since you bring it up, I've been
worried since I first met you

that you might end up a spinster.
Spending my Saturday nights
alone at home tying knots?

Perhaps with an overweight aunt.
It's a very sad image.
Maybe we should get some rope,
spend a Saturday night alone together,

and see what happens.
You are gonna love New York, Walt.
No city like it.

What I really want to show you
- Are the buildings, architecture.
- Buildings?

I said that,
'til I saw the Flatiron Building.

- What's that?
- Oldest skyscraper in the city.

Built in 1902.
And it's flat.
That one building inspired me

to start drawing
and designing things.

- Why?
- You just gotta see it.

- You want to see it, right?
- I guess.

Can I go throw the ball to Vincent?
Yeah. Sure. Of course.
Come on, Vincent!
Wow, you're making
a lot of progress.

- Yeah, trying.
- It's pretty cool.

Got this bamboo for the decking,
got a piece of the fuselage
for a cabin.

Some storage bins.
What's up?
I thought I'd give you the heads-up.
There's a lot of talk going on about
who's going on this thing with you.

Hey, man,
it's not the Queen Mary.
