Why don't you try sea urchin?
They got more ping.
I know things got kind of nasty
down there at the beach.
I don't want to get involved
in husband and wife stuff,
but I figured, you know,
you might need to relax.
Come on, dude, I'm trying here.
You want to be an outsider?
It's your business.
I tied this side down.
Do you think
this is gonna hold?
Do you have a past in the Navy
you've neglected to tell me about?
- Why?
- How does a woman like you
learn how to tie
a perfect bowline knot?
By dating guys with sailboats.
Since you bring it up, I've been
worried since I first met you
that you might end up a spinster.
Spending my Saturday nights
alone at home tying knots?
Perhaps with an overweight aunt.
It's a very sad image.
Maybe we should get some rope,
spend a Saturday night alone together,
and see what happens.
You are gonna love New York, Walt.
No city like it.