Eating mini beef tacos.
Finest mini beef tacos
in the world here.
What, did you steal
Mom's car again?
- Why do you care?
- I don't give a fuck.
Who's the minors?
It's just my brother
and some of his friends.
What are the paddles for?
We're going cow spanking.
Cow spanking, what's that?
It's like cow tipping,
only we spank.
Come on, let's just get the smokes
and get out of here.
While you boys are out
cow spanking,
Kile and I are gonna go
pussy hunting.
- Good for you, Jasper.
- Hey, don't get sassy with my boy.
You ever been pussy hunting?
No, I didn't think so.
You know how I knew?
Because you gotta have some bait
to catch one.
That's great.
Grow up, Jasper.
Let's go, Marty.
Jesus, Jasper.
Why do you have to...?
Dumb fucks.
Why do you have
to act so retarded?
Have fun cow spanking, boys.
- Oh, man. That was awesome.
- You see that shit?