- So whose road is this?
- It's just a road.
Hey, you guys ever hear about
when Rocky and I
were kicking it out here?
We got some poison oak
on our hands.
This is a disgusting story.
Anyway, so we were out here,
and we got some poison oak
on our hands.
With all the beers we were drinking,
well, naturally,
we had to take a piss.
Now, I don't know
if you're hip, Millie,
but when a guy pisses,
he has to hold his pisser
in his hands.
- Like so:
- Thanks, Marty.
No, wait, I'm not finished yet.
Next morning when we woke up,
we both had totally chapped,
rash-y nuts.
Hey, lucky you didn't run out
of toilet paper,
have to wipe your butt
with your hand.
Ouch, ouch!
I just got stung by something.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
You guys just go ahead.
Better make sure it's not a tick.
Lyme's disease, you know.
Look, all right, there'll be three circles
around the bite if it's Lyme's disease.
But, like, you gotta watch out
because you could
just straight drop dead
from Lyme's disease.
Thanks, George.
Oh, if it is a tick and it gets dug in,
we might need to take my tweezers
and, like, put it under a flame
until it gets, like, red hot,
and then burn the thing to death
so it'll let go before we pull it out.
Can you leave us alone
for a second?
Seems like George is having
a good time.
What are you trying
to say, Clyde?
Fat boy's gonna get
what he's got coming.