That is the ugliest F-ing skirt
I've ever seen.
Oh, my God, I love your bracelet.
Where did you get it?
So are you gonna send
any candy canes?
No. I don't send them,
I just get them.
So you better send me one, byotch.
Love you.
I was definitely sending her one.
I was gonna use three candy canes
to crack Gretchen Wieners.
Three, please.
"Why, Man, he doth bestride
the narrow world like a colossus"
might translate into
"Why is he so huge
and obnoxious?"
- Candy cane-grams!
- OK, hurry up.
Taylor Zimmerman?
Two for you.
Glenn Cocco?
Four for you, Glenn Cocco.
You go, Glenn Cocco.
And Cady Heron.
Do we have a Cady Heron here?
- It's Cady.
- Oh, Cady, here you go.
One for you. And none
for Gretchen Wieners. Bye.
Who's that from?
"Thanks for being such
a great friend. Love, Regina."
That's so sweet.
OK, back to Caesar.
Once Gretchen thought
Regina was mad at her,
the secrets started pouring out.
All I had to do was wait for one
we could use.
Thank you.
Welcome to the North Shore
High School winter talent show.
Let me hear you make some noise.
All right, settle down.
Our first act calls himself
a star on the rise.
Let's hear it for Damian.
Don't look at me.
Every day is so wonderful
I mean, why would Regina send
you guys candy canes and not me?
Maybe she forgot about you.