I really wanna lose 3 pounds.
Oh, my God,
what are you talking about?
You're so skinny.
Shut up.
The weird thing about
hanging out with Regina
was that I could hate her,
and at the same time,
I still wanted her to like me.
OK. You have really
good eyebrows.
- Thanks.
- Move.
Same with Gretchen.
The meaner Regina was to her,
the more Gretchen
tried to win Regina back.
She knew it was better to be
in The Plastics, hating life
than to not be in at all.
Because being with The Plastics
was like being famous.
People looked at you all the time,
and everybody
just knew stuff about you.
That new girl
moved here from Africa.
I saw Cady Heron wearing
Army pants and flip-flops,
so I bought Army pants
and flip-flops.
That Cady girl is hot.
She might even be hotter
than Regina George.
I hear Regina George
is dating Aaron Samuels again.
The two were seen canoodling
at Chris Eisel's Halloween party.
They've been inseparable ever since.
I was a woman possessed.
I spent about 80 percent
of my time talking about Regina.
And the other 20 percent
of the time,
I was praying for someone
else to bring her up
so I could talk about her more.
She's not even that good-looking
if you really look at her.
I don't know.
Now that's she's getting fatter,
she's got pretty big jugs.
I could hear people
getting bored with me.
But I couldn't stop. It just kept
coming up like word vomit.
I have this theory that if you cut all her
hair off, she'd look like a British man.
Yeah, I know.
You told me that one before.
Hey, I'm having an art show.
So why don't you take
a night off from your double life.
- I want you to see it.
- Coolness.
What is that smell?
Oh, Regina gave me some perfume.
You smell like a baby prostitute.
Meanwhile, I was finding any excuse
I could to talk to Aaron.
I don't get this.
Do you get any of this?