You realize your father's
going to kill me.
No. He's not gonna find out,
because we're not gonna tell him.
No. Come on.
He's a human lie detector.
- He lives to sniff out stuff like this.
- We'll get through tomorrow
and we'll tell them on Sunday
before we go.
I just hate keeping secrets
from your dad.
It's just one little secret.
Oh, hi, neighbours.
- Hello.
- The Fockers, honey.
- Fancy-schmancy.
- Welcome to the chateau.
No wonder they don't
want to sleep in our shitbox.
I don't think the dog
is a good idea.
Moses is more of a lover
than a fighter.
- Jinx.
- Moses.
He's always dreamed of me
having a white wedding. He'll be upset.
I know.
- Jinxy.
- Moses.
I told you to keep him
out of the RV.
- He wanted to see it.
- Dad.
Moses. Moses.
Get that goddamn dog out of here.
- Oh, God.
- Dad.
- Whoa.
- Jinx.
- Jinx, don't do it.
- Jinxy, no.
Jesus. Moses. Hold on.
Moses, hold on, I'll save you.
The cat can flush?
Oh, my God.
- It's OK.
- Get out of the way.
- That's my toilet.
- I have to get my dog.
What about my toilet?
Greg, grab the baby.
He's alive.
He's fine. So much for the protection
of our rolling safe house.
Oh, honey,
he was trying to save his pet.
I mean, what if it was Jinxy
who got flushed into a toilet?