Meet the Fockers

Down here, Greg.
Have a seat.
Watch the panel.
This is incredible.
So this is like
your mobile command centre

for all your spy activities?
Mainly a secure space
for me to spend some alone time

and reflect on my thoughts.
Very cool.
- Greg.
- Yeah?

You'll recall we had a discussion
earlier in the week

regarding my feelings about family,
legacies, children and so forth.

Yeah, of course I recall.
I'm going to just ask you once.
Is there anything you want to tell me
regarding things that
might have happened?

Unplanned things.
Things involving
the fruit of your loins.

Well, if he's not going
to admit it on his own...

- Hello.
- Hello, Jorge.

- It's Jack Byrnes. Remember me?
- Yeah, sure.

You came with Bernie.
You had that camera pen.

Yeah, that's right.
- Do you have any plans tonight?
- No.

Good, cos I'd like
to invite you to a party.
