Well, hi.
- Rosalind.
- Yeah?
I just have to say,
I underestimated you.
When it comes to relationships,
you might know
what you're talking about.
I appreciate that, Jack.
Really, thank you.
I also was curious about the advice
you gave Judge Ira.
Is that classified information?
I thought you'd never ask.
I'm gonna give you a crash course.
Come here.
And I do that
for how many minutes?
There's my brother
from another mother.
Congratulations, Jacko.
We made it.
Put that away, Bernard.
We're family now.
We're family.
If you'll excuse me, I have some
unfinished business to take care of.
Go get her, Tiger.
- We Fockerised him.
- We sure did.
I'd like to Fockerise you.
Sweetheart, do we have
to hurry like this?
We're on a covert operation.
The bandleader told me we have
23 minutes before they cut the cake.