Right? At least you have
the libido of a teenager.
- I gave her a little matinee today.
- Don't you dare. Stop it.
How about a double feature?
Come on.
The lagoon.
Why don't we show them the lagoon?
- The lagoon. Come see the lagoon.
- Jack, come on, come on.
We'll get drunk.
We'll take a piss in the lagoon.
Roz, take them outside
and show them around.
I'll make the drinks.
Oh, God.
- Hey, Dad.
- It's going good, right?
You gotta take down that weird shrine.
I'm very proud of you.
What's wrong with showing it?
It's ridiculous.
Most people aren't proud of sixth place.
Since when do you care
about most people?
I don't. But Jack is really into
winning and competition and sports.
- It's a whole other thing with him.
- You're a winner up here and in here.
That's all that matters.
OK. Thank you. I don't know
what that means, but thank you.
To solve that problem
I created a lifelike latex left breast
moulded from his mother's
left breast,
so this way LJ will avoid
any nipple confusion.
You're avoiding confusion
by strapping a boob on a man?
Believe it or not,
it is less confusing
because of the texture
of the breast itself.
I guess it's very creative.
It's very creative.
A little birdie told me
that one of our guests here
is a Tom Collins man.
For pity's sake.
Isn't that nice, Jack?
That is nice. Thank you.
Don't drink.
I wanna make a toast.
Now. I had a vasectomy in 1974.
- '73, honey.
- You're right. '73.
So I never had a chance
to procreate a daughter.
But had I been able to,
I really would have wanted
a girl as sensitive
and as intelligent