you know, it's a little stock.
So I started trying to introduce
some kind of edge to it on the drums.
Those things we throw out to each other
are complete bullshit. You know?
It sounds too stock.
It sounds too normal to me.
That... I mean...
You know what I mean?
You're saying this shit, so...
you can get your point across
about doing a drum beat. I mean...
- You know, it doesn't hold any water.
- To you.
- It doesn't!
- I think it's fuckin' stock!
What... which part of that
is unclear to you?
l think it sounds stock to my ears.
l mean, do you want me
to write it down?
- I think it feels stock, OK?
- Oh, yeah, please write it down.
- I hear you.
- So l...
No, when you say... You're telling me
what to play, right now.
You're telling me, "You should play
with what Kirk's doing."
And I'm telling you it's stock.
- Dude, fine.
- You know what, guys?
Why don't we just go in there
and just hammer it out, all right?
lnstead of hammering on each other.
We're in shit moods and we're not
gonna get anything done here today.
All you wanna do is pick a fuckin' fight.
And you...
l don't wanna pick a fight.
This is so silly. You're just sitting there
going, "I'm in a really pissy mood, and..."
And I fuckin' told you,
straight up, that I was!
- Right.
- And what are you trying to do?
I'm not trying to do fuckin' shit! You're
just sitting here being a complete dick.
You're really helping matters.
You're really good at that.
l was straight up with you
and I told you, "I'm in a shit mood."
And what have you been doing?
Fuckin' pickin' at me all night.
Come on, guys.
We've got better things to do.
Yeah, I do. I do.