Why don't we just go in there
and just hammer it out, all right?
lnstead of hammering on each other.
We're in shit moods and we're not
gonna get anything done here today.
All you wanna do is pick a fuckin' fight.
And you...
l don't wanna pick a fight.
This is so silly. You're just sitting there
going, "I'm in a really pissy mood, and..."
And I fuckin' told you,
straight up, that I was!
- Right.
- And what are you trying to do?
I'm not trying to do fuckin' shit! You're
just sitting here being a complete dick.
You're really helping matters.
You're really good at that.
l was straight up with you
and I told you, "I'm in a shit mood."
And what have you been doing?
Fuckin' pickin' at me all night.
Come on, guys.
We've got better things to do.
Yeah, I do. I do.
Metallica frontman James Hetfield
has entered a rehabilitation facility
to undergo treatment for alcoholism
and other undisclosed addictions.
ln a statement posted on Metallica's
official website, the band writes:
"James has entered
an undisclosed facility,
and he will continue to receive treatment
until further notice."
"Until then, we have postponed
all current activities,
including recording sessions
for our new album."
Metallica, whose hard-partying ways
earned them the nickname "Alcoholica,"
have been working on their follow-up
to the 1998 double-disc collection
of covers...