Metallica: Some Kind of Monster

They go much deeper.
You know?

l mean, they go way deep.
They crack you open,

and then spill you out and examine
all the things that are on the table.

l've spoken to him a few times,
and, you know,

l know he's having a rough trip.
No matter how bad it gets,
eventually, things seem
to sort themselves out.

Sooner or later.
Whether it's good or bad,
they sort themselves out.

l watch the people around the world
say what a great guitar player Kirk is,

and what a piece of shit I am.
And that I got kicked out
of Metallica.

And I wasn't good enough for them.
And that I was a loser.

And l've had to deal
with that for almost 20 years.

And it's a dreadful experience.
It's been hard, Lars.
It's been hard to watch everything that
you guys do and you touch turn to gold,

and everything I do fuckin' backfire.
And I'm sure
there's a lot of people that...

they would consider my backfire
a complete success, you know?

And am I happy being number two? No!
You know? You're just now
encountering something

l've been going through 13, 14 years.
l've never had a chance
to be able to tell you without...

talking to Lars, the guy in Metallica.
l've never talked to
my little Danish friend again. You know?

l remember the day you and I talked
about digging a hole in fuckin' dirt

and smoking hash through the ground.
