You should let the police
tell the woman.
Yes? Why?
They should see her face when she
hears that her husband is dead.
Let 's go in my car.
How will you explain
why his car is here?
- I guess I'll take mine.
- Drive slowly, I'll follow you.
- Bye, uncle.
- Bye, Duca.
Don't worry, it will be OK.
It was an accident.
My mom says that uncle Eder
never really fell In love.
My dad says that he really
falls In love every week.
Mom says he chooses the
wrongwomen to fall In love wlth.
Dad says It's the wrongwomen who
choose to fall In love wlth hlm.
I thlnk they're wrong. You don't
choose who you fall In love wlth.
You just fall In love.
There's no cholce.
If It weren't llke that,
In thls blg clty...
why would I choose to
fall In love wlth my best frlend?
- Well, It was an accldent.
- Hi.
- Is Kid here?
- He may come by later.
Are you going out?
- I don't think so. Are you?
- No. Is your mom in?
- No, why?
- My uncle killed a guy.
- What do you mean?
- My uncle. He killed a guy.
- When?
- Today.
- In a car crash?
- No, he shot him.
- You're joking? How? What uncle?
- The Robotclear one.
- Was the guy old?
- I don't know. Why?
Well, I think the older,
the better.
I mean, if the guy was old
already, he would die soon anyway.
How did it happen?
He says it was an accident.
He was dating the guy's wife.
They had a fight,
the guy had a gun.
- And the police?
- They don't know yet.