Meu Tio Matou um Cara

You just fall In love.
There's no cholce.

If It weren't llke that,
In thls blg clty...

why would I choose to
fall In love wlth my best frlend?

- Well, It was an accldent.
- Hi.

- Is Kid here?
- He may come by later.

Are you going out?
- I don't think so. Are you?
- No. Is your mom in?

- No, why?
- My uncle killed a guy.

- What do you mean?
- My uncle. He killed a guy.

- When?
- Today.

- In a car crash?
- No, he shot him.

- You're joking? How? What uncle?
- The Robotclear one.

- Was the guy old?
- I don't know. Why?

Well, I think the older,
the better.

I mean, if the guy was old
already, he would die soon anyway.

How did it happen?
He says it was an accident.
He was dating the guy's wife.
They had a fight,
the guy had a gun.

- And the police?
- They don't know yet.

- Where's the guy?
- Who? The dead guy?

- In his house, I think.
- In the lounge?

I guess so.
- And?
- I don't know.

- Gosh!
- Yes.

Do you remember this bunny
you made?

It 's not a bunny, it's a cow.
Is it? I always thought
it was a bunny.

- Will your uncle go to jail?
- I guess so.

He almost did once,
because of some checks.

- And your dad?
- He says he's an idiot.

I don't think he did it.
I think it was an accident.

- Why?
- Because he's really an idiot.

- How was it?
- Awful, honey, awful.
