Brlgadelro Afranlo M. Souza,731,
bulldlng 1,penthouse 2.
731,bulldlng 1,penthouse 2.
What 's the address?
731, building 1, penthouse 2,
Brigadeiro Afranio M. Souza.
I learned it the other way round.
We have to catch the 514
to go straight downtown.
Brlgadelro Afranlo M. Souza,
731,bulldlng 1...
The five fourteen!
My pen!
We shouldn't have got off here.
Bad place to be walklng around.
You could get the pen next week.
Are you crazy?
They'd never keep it.
You should have come earlier.
- We didn't know.
- No, I said no, kid.
He won't let us In. If he thought
that a Pokémon pen could klll...
now he'll thlnk we're back
to set up a mass escape.
You'll keep it, huh?
Only Isa can accompllsh
thls mlsslon.
The face she makes,
llke she's annoyed...
and amused at the same tlme...
Is more dangerous than 1OO
Pokémon pens put together.
- I want to keep this one.
- OK, but then burn it for me.
- This one too.
- But burn it for me too.
- You can keep that one.
- OK.
Hey, babe? What 's up
with the gringo CDs?
Let 's take a look. That's a lot
of CDs. Can I have one?
Get lost!