New York Minute

I'll be right back, okay?
So just stay here.

- I'll figure it out.
- Figure it out somewhere else, okay?

Simple Plan.
They rock.
Got all their LPs.
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
Is it Loser?

How come you're not in school?
Okay, okay. Don't worry.
I've got bigger fish to fry.

- Excuse me. Coming through.
- Thanks for coming to this video shoot.

We're gonna need
a lot of your energy today.

So are you guys ready?
Are we ready?
Rox, where are you?
This is the scene live in midtown,
where punk-rock group Simple Plan...

:43:49 shooting their latest music video.
- A little louder!

Nice. Get ready. Welcome, Simple Plan!
What's up, New York City?
Old-school dance moves.
