And I'm drenched with a dog
in a sewer. Yeah.
No. See, we're in luck.
It's just the water main.
- I'm just trying to look on the bright side.
- Bright side? There is no bright side.
Well, I don't know. I was thinking that...
That what?
We haven't spent
the day together in years.
And today has made me realize
how much I've missed that.
And I don't know, I was having fun.
And you were too, because I saw
the smile on your face...
...when we were crowd surfing.
- I was acting for the cameras.
- Just a little bit.
Okay, so maybe it was a little fun.
- What's with that Lomax guy?
- He's the truant officer.
He's been after me for years,
but I outsmart him every time.
What can I say?
You're insane. You know that?
Yeah. I know.
You okay, buddy?
Yeah, I'm doing just fine,
Sherlock. Yourself?
Wife and kids? Think it'll rain?
How about those Mets?
Are we through chitchatting?
Tell me where this sewer pipe leads?
Well, that one there comes directly
from the main line on 125th.
Only way in or out.
- How's the patient?
- She should've gone for the C-section.
I'm gonna miss my daughter's speech
at Columbia.
She's gonna be so disappointed.
I hope she's okay.
The unpublicized event has drawn
quite a crowd here today.
Come on, move off the road. Please?