It can be easily reached.
We need to see how much the brain
is suffering. This I can't say.
- Then, this more internal area....
- She is going to die, isn't she?.
- We both know it, the head is
flooded. - We don't know shit.
I'll open, aspirate the haematoma
and then we'll see what happens.
- She's fifteen!
- Good. The heart is stronger.
She's not strong.
She's little.
Alfredo, we are ready.
Your secretary called,
she got in touch with British Airways.
They'll inform your wife when she
lands in London. We are ready to go.
- Sure you don't want to come in?.
- Yes.
Ada, should it happen,
make everyone leave,..
..unplug the respirator,
the needles, everything.
Give her back to me with some dignity.
And you should come and tell me.
- Shall I close?.
- No, leave it open.
When I say midnight,
it is midnight, not twenty past!
- A quarter past!
- It doesn't matter!
- The rule is midnight!
- The movie ended at midnight!
- Then go in the afternoon.
- I was studying in the afternoon.
- Were you?.
- Yes, with Alessia and Benny.
There's flour all over the kitchen,
you made cookies.
No, a cream cake, really good.
What a pain!
There's nothing to joke about, OK?.
I will not sit up waiting for you!
And your cell phone was off too.
- I was at the movies!
- Wherever! You are back at midnight.
My girl friends
go out every night.
- I don't care what they do.
- Dad, help me out here!
- You defend yourself just fine.
- Tell her how much I have studied!