---infIation"," the economic crisis-
ApoIogies for having---
to ask for heIp yet again-
As if your putting the famiIy
to shame weren't enough---
now you get into fights
Iike some street urchin!
You're our daughter---
and whiIe you Iive under this
roof"," you owe us respect-
-What the heII happened?
-There was a demonstration-
The Nazis arrived-
I had to defend myseIf-
You'II end up getting yourseIf arrested!
Your actions have consequences!
You won't have to bother
anymore with what I do---
nor with my negIigence-
-I'm Ieaving-
-Where wiII you go?
I'II get a job in BerIin-
Pay for what I eat and wear---
sIeep under my own roof-
Are you trying to humiIiate
your father and I?!
You don't need to work!
You are my onIy daughter","
born to be waited upon!