As if your putting the famiIy
to shame weren't enough---
now you get into fights
Iike some street urchin!
You're our daughter---
and whiIe you Iive under this
roof"," you owe us respect-
-What the heII happened?
-There was a demonstration-
The Nazis arrived-
I had to defend myseIf-
You'II end up getting yourseIf arrested!
Your actions have consequences!
You won't have to bother
anymore with what I do---
nor with my negIigence-
-I'm Ieaving-
-Where wiII you go?
I'II get a job in BerIin-
Pay for what I eat and wear---
sIeep under my own roof-
Are you trying to humiIiate
your father and I?!
You don't need to work!
You are my onIy daughter","
born to be waited upon!
Why do you pretend
to be working cIass?
How many dresses have you
got Ieft? How many shoes?
And jeweIry?
I'II bet there's enough to feed
aII the town's beggars!
There are peopIe who have Iost
far more than you in this crisis-
-I just want to support them!
-Losing you won't cost me much more!
You never cared never kept
me company nor consoIed me-
You're hardIy even a woman-
The great Iawyer of the
eviIs of the worId-
Deep down"," it's aII your fauIt","
Dr- BenĂ¡rio-