I swear by the RevoIution
and by the Party!
The battaIion crossed over
25","000 kiIometers on foot---
fighting BraziIian
government troops!
It's unbeIievabIe!
Pure revoIutionary overkiII!
I read it in the papers!
They were fighting poverty---
and the corruption of
those in power!
The battaIion was caIIed the
Prestes CoIumn after its Ieader---
-Luis CarIos Prestes-
-Did they overthrow the government?
No- But there wasn't
a singIe defeat-
Wherever he went"," everyone caIIed
Prestes the ''Knight of Hope-''
Comrade"," are you sure they
marched 25","000 kms?
That's Iike going from Moscow to
BerIin and back"," nearIy 1 0 times!
I swear it by the RevoIution!
Just imagine if we couId be there","
fighting aIongside them?
The Prestes CoIumn-
Good evening-
Comrade OIga?
Thank you-
"A re"v"olutlon ln Latln Amerlca,"
comrade Manullskl?!
Soon the whoIe worId wiII be
Communist"," comrade OIga-
I am sure of it"," the whoIe worId-
Except perhaps SwitzerIand-
We'II need a pIace to take a break
from Communism"," won't we?
I am pIeased you've
accepted this mission-
It is my duty to accept it-
You wiII go to BraziI---
in charge of the security of
Captain Luis CarIos Prestes-