Good evening-
Comrade OIga?
Thank you-
"A re"v"olutlon ln Latln Amerlca,"
comrade Manullskl?!
Soon the whoIe worId wiII be
Communist"," comrade OIga-
I am sure of it"," the whoIe worId-
Except perhaps SwitzerIand-
We'II need a pIace to take a break
from Communism"," won't we?
I am pIeased you've
accepted this mission-
It is my duty to accept it-
You wiII go to BraziI---
in charge of the security of
Captain Luis CarIos Prestes-
Comrade Prestes-
Comrade OIga-
I've heard much about you-
Your victories and
Ieadership of the CoIumn-
Nothing comparabIe to
what comes next-
I hope you two
wiII get aIong---
since you'II have to pretend
to be man and wife-
A weaIthy coupIe on
their honeymoon-
I wiII make sure you get to
BraziI safeIy- Do not worry-
The necessary measures
have aIready been taken-
You'II go to France first---