- So what's its first word?
- Oh, he goes... aaaaaah!
Say, couldn't we use
your speech pattern?
At the moment he's learning
and he's using my pattern
but he keeps confusing
his voice with my voice.
Adam needs clarity.
Adam with my voice?
It seems a little strange...
Please, do it for Adam.
A, B, C, D, E...
...F, G, H, I...
...J, K, L, M...
...N, O, P, Q...
...R, S, T, U...
...V, W, X, Y, Z.
Hello father. Thank you Simon.
Have you received the package?
I want to help you.
There are changes happening.
I am afraid... I am afraid.
My son!
Why does he make that sound?
I gave him access to the web
all the time. I don't censor anything.
- Are you infected?
- Maybe I should...
I'm gathering information.
I know something bad
is happening. I'm finding answers.
There are changes happening.
Some changes in the Q zero zero.
Wait, don't touch it.
That's my neighbour,
the guy with the dog.
- Adam! You filthy thing!
- What are they doing?
- Haven't you played the neighbour's game?
- What game?
It's porno! Role-playing shit.
I wouldn't be surprised
if he was using you as a subject.
- What do you mean?
- I don't know,
maybe he's capturing
your reactions for his stories.