I want to help you.
There are changes happening.
I am afraid... I am afraid.
My son!
Why does he make that sound?
I gave him access to the web
all the time. I don't censor anything.
- Are you infected?
- Maybe I should...
I'm gathering information.
I know something bad
is happening. I'm finding answers.
There are changes happening.
Some changes in the Q zero zero.
Wait, don't touch it.
That's my neighbour,
the guy with the dog.
- Adam! You filthy thing!
- What are they doing?
- Haven't you played the neighbour's game?
- What game?
It's porno! Role-playing shit.
I wouldn't be surprised
if he was using you as a subject.
- What do you mean?
- I don't know,
maybe he's capturing
your reactions for his stories.