
And I'll let you stay up
as late as you want...

until 1 0:00.
Do you want a new bike?
We need you to wake up.
[ Sighs ]
One man is dead in what people are
describing as a bizarre "suicide by cop. '"

One man is dead in what people are
describing as a bizarre "suicide by cop. '"

The victim, Leonard Clark,
pointed a weapon at several officers...

who were forced to open fire...
killing the man instantly.
Details are still sketchy,
but police are describing the weapon...

as a modified.45-caliber blank gun...
commonly used
in the motion picture industry.

We're awaiting a press conference
by the authorities...

and we'll bring it to you live,
when it happens.

[ Phone Rings ]
[ Ringing Continues ]
[ Man On Machine ] Hi. You've reached
Wendell Stokes Photography.

You got somethin'to say, say it.
- [ Beep ]
- Wendell, it's Rex. Pick up the phone.!

Leonard's dead.!
Pick up the phone.!

- It was Laramie, and I know it.
- Did you call Burton?

Yeah. Know what he said?
""The case is under investigation.''

Look, he's coming for us next, man.
You know that.

Yeah, but at least
we'll know when he's coming.

The cops don't
go after him, Wendell...

we will.
- Did you get those from Rudy?
- Yep.

Oh, these are beauties.
They'll transmit
to my system perfectly.

H-How are we supposed to get in?
Have a little faith, my friend.
Now, you would think
people would be more careful.
