I didn't understand.
Went to Germany first,
said he'd be back from there.
Suddenly a call came
from his office,
that he had to go to jaPan,
for some urgent meeting.
Now he should be on the flight.
You don't know for sure?
I can't do it anymore, Mannu.
Earlier I used to keeP track,
kePt all the news.
What do you do with someone
who's such a jetsetter?
Now the office gets the mail
and his secretary keePs me informed.
Your husband tours a lot?
Two huge suitcases with wheels,
two sets of clothes, towels,
brushes, shaving stuff,
toilet kit... all in
Pairs kePt seParately.
He arrives with one set,
that goes for dry cleaning,
he takes off with the other set.
By the time he returns,
the first set is back,
washed and ready.
You don't go with him?
Go where?
It's not a holiday.
Today in one Place, tomorrow
he's somewhere else,
can't take this sPinning around.
I'm haPPy at home.
you need someone to
look after the house.
You don't travel...
because you have to guard the house?
You weren't born a girl, Mannu.
Besides I don't like travelling.
And while he's at his meetings,
What would I do
What else?
See Places, enjoy, have fun...
What do mean by 'have fun'?
Standing in front of...
those big stores
What do you call that?
Window shoPPing.
Yes, window shoPPing.
What else can I do alone, Mannu?
Can't even sPeak fluent English.