... swimming champion
named Tom Blake.
Relocating to Hawaii,
Blake would go on to become...
... one of the 20th century's
most influential surfers...
... through his innovative surfboard
design, but most importantly...
... through his advocacy
of surfing as a way of life.
By 1948, surfing had taken root
along the California coast...
... where a skinny 10-year-old from
Hermosa Beach named Greg Noll...
... found himself immersed
in the emerging subculture.
Following in the footsteps
of pioneers like Pete Peterson...
... and Lorrin Harrison,
Noll eagerly joined the ranks...
... of these eccentric sportsmen,
carving out an entirely new...
... and free-spirited lifestyle.
Those guys were all
kind of gentlemanly.
It was a different era.
Something went to hell
in the early '50s.
It's like somebody threw
a light switch. With the advent...
...of the lightweight longboard,
something happened.
It was the introduction
of lightweight balsa wood...
... and the newly discovered
aerospace material, fiberglass...
... that cut the weight of surfboards
and paved the way...
... for a younger generation to begin
picking up the offbeat sport.
There was a feeling
of individuality and freedom...
...from being able to ride this wave.
It made us feel free...
...and I think almost rebellious.
The ride itself is such
a bitchen deal, so rewarding...
It becomes so important to you
that it becomes the object...
...around which you plan your life.
Everyone else is planning
around money.
A bunch of guys
come along and they go:
"Screw the money, I'm having
all the fun I can possibly have.
Girls are loving it." Here we are...