...where the surf would get perfect...
...and you'd go out
and catch a wave:
You just make this thing
and just have your adrenaline...
...dripping out of your ears.
Paddle back out, do it again.
You get too cocky,
you get your ass slapped a bit...
...she'd let you know it.
But for the most part...
...there was just this full-on love affair
that took place for 25 years.
Nicknamed "The Bull"
for his charging style...
... and clothing himself in a pair
of loud jailhouse-striped trunks...
... Noll emerged as surfing's
first big-wave celebrity.
He looked like a big-wave rider
with that big, thick neck...
...and he had the black-and-white
striped trunks, which was genius.
Surfing needed Greg Noll.
When you look at those surfers...
...they were a stoic bunch. Greg Noll
introduced flamboyance...
...he introduced showmanship.
He introduced that colorful aspect...
...that most people associated
with hot-doggy Malibu.
Not just the way he surfed,
but just the spirit of it.
He introduced that
into big-wave riding.
He wanted to ride the biggest wave.
Greg made his reputation on taking off
on the biggest, heaviest wave.
He stuffed himself into positions
no one else would want.
He'd sit over deeper, take off later.
He'd spin around at the last minute.
I mean, he was surfing's,
like, first hell-man.
He just liked confrontation.
He sought it out, in human terms
and in big-wave terms.
I was really a young, skinny kid...