...from all the mags were there,
and it was just crazy.
We knew it was the day.
This was one of the best days
of surfing I've ever had out there.
Then at approximately 11:20 a.m.,
during a beautiful medium-sized set...
... Mark Foo paddled,
hopped to his feet...
... and dropped into his second wave
of the day.
I went to lunch.
I came back out to the point.
I saw Brock in the parking lot,
and there was this guy, Greg, eerily:
"Have you seen Mark Foo?"
And that was just...
We were headed back in the boat
toward the harbor, and I saw some...
It kind of looked just like
a big clump of something...
...as we were, you know,
passing it.
And I pointed it out and said:
"Hey, that looks like a body,"
you know.
And, you know, sure enough,
we stopped the boat...
...and just realized that it was,
you know, Mark Foo.
I dove off and grabbed him
and just rushed to the harbor.
It was a...
It was a really eerie, eerie,
you know, experience...
...and just so chilling.
It went from the most pleasant,
beautiful, plate-glass sunshiny day...