Your dad's favourite poet.
- Tell me...
- What?
Did you really go out
dressed in a musketeer's cape?
Enough of all that.
Don't you ever wear
strange things sometimes?
Well, no.
Haven't you ever felt like wearing clothes
to fit an occasion?
What do you mean?
I don't know.
A cape? A poncho?
This doublet business is nothing.
Are you married?
Not legally.
Not really.
Sorry, how does one manage
to "not really" have children?
I took care of a child
but I don't anymore.
I'd like to know why I'm here.
Apparently, your behaviour
has been a little excessive recently.
That's news to me.
Try to shed some light on that for me.
It's kind of you
to worry about my health
but I don't recall asking for help.
That's quite true.
You didn't ask.
Your relatives are worried.
My relatives?
You're here on a TPR.
What's that?
A Third-Party Request.
But what third party?
I saw my parents earlier.
They only came
because I'm shut away here.
They live out in the provinces.
But you have a sister in Paris.
Yes, Elizabeth.
Impossible. I get on well with her.
I saw her two weeks ago.
It went well.
Why're you here?