Zeus loved Leda, wife of the mortalTyndareus, ninth king of Sparta.
He came to her disguised as a swan.
- Bye, Michel. See you tomorrow.- Goodbye, madame.
Thank you.
Part l: "NORA"
My name is Nora Cotterelle.I'm 35.
I have a sonfrom a first marriage: Elias.
After his father died,I chose not to have other children.
My son is 10.He's my whole life.
Hello, I'm terribly late.
It's all right.
Found any wonders for us?
I have something...
A unique litho by Kleeprior to printing.
- Mr Maden.- Our sunshine...
I manage an art gallery.
It's a pleasant job.
What will you show us?
Whatever you wish.