It's okay, I can manage!
His bowels are in such a state
that we did nothing.
His belly is devastated.
We sewed him back up, that's all.
It's cancer.
Of what?
It's too late to tell now.
Your father
must have been ill for months.
I don't know how he stood the pain.
That's terrible news.
I'm sorry.
What must I do now?
Let your family know.
Are there many of you?
I have a sister.
You should call her quickly.
And when is he going to die?
Five days, ten days...
It's lightning fast.
Can I see him?
No, he's in post-op surveillance.
You should get some rest.
He won't wake until tomorrow morning.
Go home, you're tired.
I'll stay here a while.
Can't you stop crawling
to these doctor assholes?
They prescribe me shit,
their diplomas come out of cereal boxes
but it's a diploma,
so you crawl to them.
They seem to be on the ball.