Why did you say "my quartet"?
Your presumption is remarkable.
Well, I suppose I'll be going then.
Maybe I'll take my viola with me.
Your viola?
The Gubelkian Foundation
lent it to you.
Excuse me a second.
I'm recording this, just in case.
You don't lend
a four-million-franc viola to a madman.
The quartet is keeping it.
Your replacement
will show it respect and care.
I nearly forgot.
Your poncho's at the dry-cleaner's.
Hello, Mum? Yes, it's Ismaƫl.
Yes, I'm out now, they were very kind.
I was wondering: do you still have
my music school viola there?
Well, I'll be needing it, actually.
I may be coming to see you.
Lots of love.
"My star-spangled lute
bears the black sun of melancholy."
How do I turn it off?
The top button.
Give Rachel my love.
What was the exact time of death?
3:46 AM.
Cause of death?
A seizure and respiratory failure.
Mr Jenssens was in the terminal phase.
No. Diprivan and Hypnovel.
Did you help him?
I couldn't.
She did it.
She's sleeping in the living room.
The poor girl
hadn't slept for three days!