Rois et reine

Sorry about last week. Did it go okay?
We had to replace you.
I have to thank you
for worrying about me.

It was you who called my sister.
She had me committed!
You know Elizabeth,
she tends to overdo it!

Actually, the hospital was my idea.
I'm touched.
You were worried!
True, I've had a rough patch recently.
But I'm over it now.
I must have been a burden.
I'm going to get back to work...
I'm not that worried about you.
You're not?
I'm just sick of you.
I have been for ages now.

- How long?
- About 10 years.

After your absurd divorce,
I decided to throw you out
of my quartet.

Because I've had to put up
with your arrogance, scorn,

acting like a genius,
the brilliant violist,
so precocious...
Genius my ass!
All your moods...
All that for so many years.
But I didn't let it show.
I was the lead violin
but self-effacing.

Your loyal partner.
Your devoted, admiring cousin.
After you broke up,
I often called Nora.

Hold on... You called Nora?
She was blooming after years
of being stifled by you
and I felt
I was just as good as she was.

I too deserved to win.
In short,
I decided I wanted you
out of my life for good.
