All right, let's go.
Let's get started.
I've nothing to say.
You remember the rule here?
Yes, the rule of free association.
But with the nurse just next door,
I feel very embarrassed.
Never mind, go on.
This morning, I was pretty happy.
I finally had a real dream last night,
a slightly strange dream.
And I was eager...
I was eager to tell you about it.
That's very good.
Go on.
It happened in a church.
A big, Gothic-style church.
During a ceremony...
There was a very large crowd
standing at the foot of two ladders.
One very tall, decorated ladder,
a "ceremonial" ladder,
and another that was much shorter.
It was either a coronation
or for a... regency. I couldn't tell.
All the citizens
seemed very... cheerful.
And, in the choir,
on the very tall ladder,
half way up and still climbing,
there was the Queen of England.
In person!
She was richly dressed, with her crown.
And, on the small ladder,
there was my third grandmother,