I'll call you every day
with news of the real world.
And I'll release you.
Recognize them?
Don't start pissing me off
with this crap!
No, I don't!
The IRS inspectors.
The bastards!
He's fat.
They eat all the time.
I think I've screwed up a bit.
Good news and bad.
You lost your apartment. Seizure!
And the good news?
I forget now.
I saved a few belongings.
From the psychiatrist.
This is it!
What the hell do you mean?
We have the document.
You're totally nuts,
kosher for all of 1995,
signed by the Beth Din
of Paris psychiatry.
The IRS is trapped.
As for your apartment,
I'll get it back from the courts.
So I'm mad?
Yes. Well, no, you were mad.
In 1995.
We aren't liable
for your expenses that year.
And what now?
I'm still a mental patient.
We'll need a retraction from your sister.
My sister?
The mad one.