Rois et reine

Leave me...
My little darling.
Come on, my child.
Don't touch me.
I hate being comforted.

You didn't know.
You saw me as a poor little widow.

Like everyone who's pitied me
all these years.

I couldn't say I was guilty.
It's a thousand times worse,
having to lie for seven years.
Of course...
Up you come.
I hate your parents' looks.
And I can't ask you to pity me
'cause I killed him.

That's not true.
You don't scare me.
And I wouldn't care if you had.

If I had, my heart would have bled.
No, I hold your heart in my hand,
like a little bird.
It was too good to miss.
Just think, a murderess!

"She's killed but I'll survive!"
What a presumptuous jerk I was!

In other words, as soon as a woman
represents a threat,
you fall in love with her.

She needed help.
You have trouble
thinking a woman might be wrong,

don't you?
Would you have found
Nora's confession as charming

if she'd been less pretty?
Yes, I think so.
I'll put it differently.
Whom would you find it easier
to forgive?

An ugly girl or a pretty girl?
It wouldn't matter.
I'd be wrong to criticize the ugly one
