An engraving of Leda?
Yes, quite odd.
Very different from the rest.
It's very nice.
Isn't it?
Where's it from?
Probably from a late 18th-century dig
in Rome.
The engraving was coloured in pastel
in the 19th century.
I'll take it, as a present.
For my father.
The rest to the gallery.
A year ago, I divorced
my second husband, Ismaƫl.
I've since met Jean-Jacques,
a businessman,
who loves me passionately
and very officially
asked for my hand last week.
That's a grave decision at my age.
Jean-Jacques will wait
by carriage three.
He's too sweet.
No one is "too sweet".
Just in time!
My PAs booked it.
Hello, Claude.
A car and driver will meet you.
Made any good buys?
Yes, thanks to Claude.
And a gift for Father.
It's silly
but I always dread seeing him.
He can be so severe.
Say hi to Elias.
His room will be waiting for him.
Goodbye, Claude.
I've always thought that
love means never having to ask.
My second husband
claimed the contrary.